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Once married, Greek women would tend to the house, the children and the slave. They would vary rarely leave their home. Greek men had several different types of work depending on their family wealth. Some became philosophers, politicians, or orators. Others became soldiers, sailors, farmers or made their living as a juror.

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Q: Once Greece man and women were married what sort of work would they have done?
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What where the main duties of women in Athens?

Women in Athens were controlled by their father until they were married, but once they were married their spouse was in charge of them. They were in charge of housework, such as cleaning and cooking, and usually only left the house for religious duties.

What was the oath of the suitors of Helene?

The suitors of Helen were made to swear an oath to follow and serve the man that became her husband. That way they would not kill the poor man once he was married to her.

How many times did Zeus' wife get married?

Only once, to Zeus himself.

Was Cleopatra married?

she married four times ,once to her real brother Ptolemy, the other also to her brother and then Julius Caeser and then finally to Marc Antony. She loved Marc Antony the most.

What is levity of disposition for a female in ancient Rome who shall remain in guardianship?

Men in ancient Rome observed that women and girls often had very lighthearted and frivolous personalities, such that it was difficult for them to think seriously about important matters, and hence, to make responsible decisions for themselves. The men therefore believed that it was in the best interests of women and girls that they should remain under the authority of their fathers until they were married, and under the authority of their husbands once they were married, to ensure that they always had someone to chaperone them and thus prevent them from doing anything irresponsible or self-destructive as a result of them not properly considering the consequences of their actions.

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In what year were married women allowed to teach?

Married women were once barred from teaching, especially in large city schools. In 1901, married women were allowed to teach in school.

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Because he is the soothsayer of greece. He once was a women and now a man but he still act like a women.

Will men who cheat with married women cheat when they get married?

Most likely, once a cheater, always a cheater.

Why a husband is called husband?

Once women get married with a men called Husband.

On average how many times do people get married in their life time?

In the United States many women get married many times but they only marry one man at a time. Other women only get married once.

How do Jews show they're married?

They wear wedding rings. Orthodox Jewish women also cover their hair in public once they're married.

What where the main duties of women in Athens?

Women in Athens were controlled by their father until they were married, but once they were married their spouse was in charge of them. They were in charge of housework, such as cleaning and cooking, and usually only left the house for religious duties.

Do Orthodox Jewish women wear hats?

Orthodox Jewish women cover their hair in public once they're married. One way to do this is to wear hats.

How would you call a married woman having an affair with a married man?

A shipwreck and a train wreck all at once.

Why do women have to wear hats or scarfs to worship in a synagogue?

Married religiously observant Jewish women cover their hair in public once they're married, not just in synagogue. Less observant Jewish women who are married often cover their hair in synagogue. This is due to the Torah specifying that a woman's hair is sensual and her beauty should be reserved for her husband.

Is the Band rush gay?

No. All three are heterosexual, and all three are married to women. Geddy and Alex have been married once; Neil has been married twice: his first wife died of cancer, and he subsequently remarried.