Ancient Egyptian has several terms for sculptor. We can not know how these words were pronounced, since hieroglyphs do not include vowels, only consonants (exactly like ancient Hebrew, Arabic and Phoenician).
One term for sculptor is TAw mDAt (the A is a catch in the throat, not our letter A and the D is pronounced dj).
Another is sanx, made up of s + ankh (again the a is a catch in the throat, not our letter a). This refers to someone who "makes something live", in other words someone who turns a block of wood or stone into the image of a person or animal.
Another is gnwty, which refers to someone who carves "historical records" on walls, for example on the stone walls of a temple.
All of these words would include missing vowels, but we can never know what those vowels should be.
In ancient Egyptian the word for beautiful is "Sesen".
No Anubis is not a bad word, Anubis is a god of the ancient Egyptian religion.
Absolutely nothing. The pineapple did not exist in ancient Egypt and the ancient Egyptian language has no word for that fruit.
I guess you mean the ancient Egyptian word, not the modern Arabic one.We know how ancient Egyptian words were written, but not how they were said since vowels were not included in hieroglyphs. There is more than one word with that meaning:kfaw [where a is a consonant sound that does not exist in English] - a warriorthr a Syrian warrioraHAwty a warriormryn a Syrian warrior
The translation of the word "English" into Ancient Egyptian is not directly available as Ancient Egyptian did not have a word for the specific language.
In ancient Egyptian the word for beautiful is "Sesen".
Pesach is a Hebrew word, not ancient Egyptian. It means "Passover".
The word is pharaoh.
The Egyptian word for energy is "heka," which is often associated with magic, power, and effectiveness in ancient Egyptian beliefs.
Translation: Ekhwat (اخوات) Note: This is Modern Egyptian Arabic. The Ancient Egyptian word for "Sisters" is entirely unrelated.
I am not kidding you. the Ancient Egyptian word for cat was meow
It is believed that alchemy is derived from the Arabic term alchimia which loosely translates to the Egyptian art.
No Anubis is not a bad word, Anubis is a god of the ancient Egyptian religion.
The word literally means 'Great House' from the title of the ancient Egyptian Kings. From the Egyptian 'Pero'