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While Romulus is a fictional/mythological character, he is believed to have lived between 771 BC and 717 BC - seven centuries before the 'accepted' date of the birth of Christ, sometime around 4 BC (and not the year 0 or 1 AD, as previously believed.)

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Q: Was Romulus alive before Christ
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Romulus married one of the Sabine women abducted during the Rape of the Sabines. Some sources suggest that the name of Romulus' wife was Hersilia, but other sources suggest Hersilia was married to someone else.After her death Romulus' wife became the minor goddess Hora - whatever her name was when she was alive.

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yes. bce was before christ jesus. but since jesus is a myth, there were people in bce.

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No one but God knows that answer.

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ac is After Christ and bc is Before Christ

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b.c is before the birth of "christ" and a.d means after death. Im not sure how time was counted while he was alive.

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