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The Paleolithic people are the old stone age people. They lived in simple caves or shelters, and made simple stone tools. In order for them to make the tools, they had to flake rocks. Paleolithic people lived in Africa over 2 million years ago. They loved to make cave art. Their jobs were to gather plants and hunt animals. This is also known as Hunter-Gatherers. The loved beauty and painted to show what they hunted, to document their daily lives & to provide good luck.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

People before 10,000 B.C.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Stone or "Old Stone Age"

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Q: What are paleolithic people?
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How did Paleolithic people survive?

Paleolithic people survived by hunting and gathering.

What tasks did paleolithic people have to do?

paleolithic people had to farm, harvest, and herd

What is a sentence for paleolithic?

Some people say that our military is a paleolithic organization. Paleolithic people developed stone tools as well as horn and antler tools.

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The paleolithic people made hammers to build with

What did paleolithic people drink?

Alcoholic drinks were not known in the paleolithic era.

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Paleolithic people used weapons made of stone. They had axes, spears and knives.

What is the main difference between Paleolithic people and Neolithic people?

Paleolithic people were hunter-gatherers while the Neolithic people relied primarily on agriculture

Did Paleolithic people make spoken language?

Yes the paleolithic people where the first people to make the spoken language. We do not have any proof of them ever creating it.

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How did the paleolithic acquire their food?

well ... early paleolithic people met their needs with crops and hunting.

What the differences between Paleolithic food and Neolithic food?

neolithic people farmed and paleolithic hunted for food