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examples,farming, keep animals in place where they can just go get to eat eat it with out traveling or move to other places.

Non-examples,move every time to get food and tools and etc.

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Q: What are some examples and non examples of neolithic revolution?
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What had the most impact on the stratification of society during the Neolithic Revolution?

The development of agriculture had the most impact on the stratification of society during the Neolithic Revolution. The ability to produce surplus food allowed some members of society to specialize in non-food-producing activities, leading to the emergence of social classes and increased social stratification.

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The Neolithic Revolution, marked by the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture, led to surplus food production and settlements. This allowed some individuals to specialize in non-food producing activities like craftsmanship or governing, creating social differentiation and the emergence of social classes based on wealth and power.

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