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Egyptians were naked to a large extent. The heat and the poverty of the masses limited the amount of clothing owned or desired. Dancers, musicians, soldiers, peasants and slaves wore little or nothing. The usual garment for an adult man was a kilt made from linen wrapped around the waist. It was only the rich who any significant quantity of clothing. from the Middle kingdom onwards men of high status wore pleated kilts. Wigs and jewellery were worn by both men and women who could afford it. Boys of all classes were mostly naked until puberty.

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13y ago

From the earliest times to the time of the New kingdom men of all classes wore a simple kilt called a schenti made from linen and tied at the waist with a belt. Wealth was usually displayed by a wig and jewelry.

In the New Kingdom clothes for wealthy men and women became wore eleborate. Well-to-do men began to pleat their kilts with older men wearing his longer than the younger men. Robes also began to be worn over the kilt. Jewelry and wigs became more elaborate.

The dress of ordinary Egyptian men continued to be the simple kilt although in the New Kingdom period an overshirt began to be worn. This grew in length evolving into the long overshirt still worn in Egypt today.

If you were a male slave labourer you went naked.

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16y ago

From the earliest times to the time of the New kingdom men of all classes wore a simple kilt made from linen. Wealth was usually displayed by a wig and the amount of jewellery you wore. In the New Kingdom clothes for wealthy men wore elaborate. They began to pleat their kilts. Robes also began to be worn over the kilt. Jewellery and wigs became more elaborate. The dress of an ordinary Egyptian male, including household slaves, soldiers, servants and even scribes, continued to wear the simple kilt although in the New Kingdom period an overshirt began to be worn. This grew in length evolving into the long overshirt still worn in rural Egypt today. If you were a slave put to work on the construction sites, the land or in the mines you went naked.

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