rich people in ancient Greek wore necklaces bracelets made out of gold they had every kind of jewelry in gold and Ruby's diamonds
Tunics, nothing or loincloths depending on their services to their masters.
because the greek ladys were usually rich
No they didn't. Many ancient Greeks did have beards though (like Plato and Socrates), but a beard was a status symbol. Nice clean up of the untidy answer!
They wore an Anubis face mask when they mummified people and animals.
In ancient Africa, the people would wear leather, fur, and sometimes head dresses. The clothing was woven and they would weave it themselves. Indigo was popular as well as jewelry made out of ostrich shells or braded grass.
togas and battle skirts
If you mean ancient Greece, than a typical thing guys would wear would be togas and sleeveless dresses for women
they wore armor
because the greek ladys were usually rich
contrary to popular belief, they didn't wear clothes.
the type of cloth they wear in greece is called lieer
Those who could not afford the armour and arms of an armoured warrior (hoplite) were used as light infantry (peltasts), having a light shield and armed with javelins or as archers with bows.
mink coats and pearls for girls and men wore fake dicks go suck one
dressing gowns and rainbow coloured robes, funny hey but the tudors had some pretty strange outfits!
Shave it all off! Including the women!! The poor people cut it of to sell to wig makers and the rich people cut it off to wear them. If you want to talk more generally about hair, it was seen as "unclean" so whenever the priests and priestesses went inside the temples they pulled out EVERY hair on their body - OUCH!!