The Ancient Egyptian merchants were loincloth with a kind of kilt, which were either made out cotton or linen cloth, or if you were a women in the same rank as a merchant you would wear a shoulder strap dress, which were either made out cotton or linen cloth.
By elephant
Sometimes ancient Egyptians just had bare feet. However they did wear sandals made out of straw or leather.
They wore an Anubis face mask when they mummified people and animals.
Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.
A hierarchy is the social system in ancient Egypt
By elephant
# Scribe # Merchant # Peasant # Visier
Nobles in Ancient Egypt did not wear food; they ate it.
no they did not wear it
not much
they didn't wear shirts because of the extreme heat
They dont wear anything! but socks
They wear what anyone in the Middle East else wear (with some other customs).
They wore skintight dresses.
they wore linen, or animal skins
cloth robes