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To go kill him self under a rock or a cave

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that his grandson would kill him no matter what he did

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cool ife

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Q: What did the oracle tell Acrisius?
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How does the prophecy of Acrisius' death come true?

Do you think the oracle’s prophecy to Acrisius will come true? Why or why not?

What was the dreadful oracle that was delivered to king acrisius?

He gets killed

Where did perseus kill acrisius?

Acrisius was killed in Larissa, by Perseus. As it was foretold by an oracle that Acrisius's daughter Danae, would have a child that would one day kill him - who turned out to be Perseus

Who persus's father?

Perseus was the son of Zeus and Danae When he was born, his grandfather, Acrisius consulted an oracle and Prayed to know what the infant's fate would be. To his Horror, the oracle answered that the child would one day slay him.

Why does Acrisius place his daughter and her son in a sealed chest and then put them out to sea?

Because an oracle told him his grandson would one day kill him and take his throne

What are oracle skills?

You can tell the future if you have oracle abilities.

Who was perseus's mom what was her name?

Her name was Danae, daughter of King Acrisius of Argos. The oracle had told Acrisius that his grandson would kill him, so he imprisoned Danae in an underground chamber without a roof. Zeus came to her as a shower of liquid gold, and impregnated her. Years later, her son Perseus was playing at discus when the wind caused his discus to veer, striking Acrisius in the head and killing him.

What was Acrisius' daughter called?

King Acrisius daughter was called Danae

What did the oracle tell Oedipus?

The oracle told Oedipus that he would kill his father and marry his mother.

What purpose did oracle bones serve the priests?

The oracle bones helped the priests tell the future.

How did Acrisius die?

King Acrisius died when his grandson Perseus accidentally hit him with a discus.

What is the purpose of a oracle recovery catalog?

to tell the future