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Fossi... I mean dinosaures! ROAR!

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Q: What is ancient bones that turned to stone?
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What turns people to stone?

An ancient volcano named Mt. Vesuvius near Pompeii turned people into stone.

What are bones made of and what role do they play?

Bones in a living or recently dead creatures are mostly made of calcium. Ancient bones (fossils) are made of stone. The calcium has migrated out and been replaced by sediments that become stone.

Stone exterior turned green?

If your stone turned green it probably has moss growing on it.

What is ancient stone in latin?

Ancient stone = Saxum anticum

Was Poseidon turned to stone?

No Poseidon was never turned to stone. If he was Medusa would have caused it, but she never made Poseidon turn to stone.

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What do ancient bones do in RuneScape?

Ancient bones give you a lot of prayer points and they get you up levels quickly

What are the release dates for The Man Who Turned to Stone - 1957?

The Man Who Turned to Stone - 1957 was released on: USA: March 1957

What is the theme of the poem the poverty of the woman who turned herself into stone?

theme of the poem the poverty of the woman who turned herself into a stone

What are the ratings and certificates for Bones - 2005 The Glowing Bones in 'The Old Stone House' 2-20?

Bones - 2005 The Glowing Bones in 'The Old Stone House' 2-20 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14

Who was changed into a stone by Perseus?

Medusa, a gorgon, was turned into stone by Perseus.

Who turned people into stone?
