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Q: What titan gave fire to humans?
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Which Titan stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans so the humans could evolve?


Who was the Titan who gave fire to the world?

Prometheus, the good titan.

What Titan gave fire to mankind?


Who had stolen fire from heaven for man and was punished by zeus?

Prometheus, a Titan, stole fire from the Olympic gods and gave it to man.

Which Titan created humans?

Prometheus. He is also known for stealing fire from the gods to give to humans.

What was Prometheus god of?

In his original Greek form, he wasn't the god of anything in particular. He was a titan, of which there were many.He became known as a champion of humanity and supposedly gave humans the gift of fire.

What do you mean by the word Prometheus?

A Titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind.

Titans of Greek mythology responsible for the creation of humans?

Prometheus is the titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans. In many later versions of the story, he is also responsible for creating humans in the first place out of clay. His brother, Epimetheus, created animals first and gave them all of the useful gifts available - claws, wings, better senses - and so Prometheus gave people fire/civilization so they would have a chance.

What was the special gift Prometheus gave humans?

He stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans.

How did the Greeks explained how humans learned to use fire?

It was given to them by the teachings of the Titan Prometheus.

Who is Prometheus enemies?

Prometheus was a Titan, which is different from the ones we call the Greek gods. Anyway, he created the humans, which was OK. But then he taught the humans some tricks and gave them fire, which was supposed to be the privilege of the gods. This enraged Zeus who decided to punish Prometheus.

Greek god who gave fire to humans?
