Keeping track of land ownership - particularly with the annual Nile floods (geometry);
Keeping business accounts (arithmetic);
are some examples.
The pyramids showed the devotion of the people to their king.
By Egyptians I assume you're referring to their priests, in which case, Egyptian Priests shaved their heads and every other part of their body as it was believed to be disrespectful and essentially against their religion to enter a temple with any hair.
Egyptian dead masks were masks people made to show what they would look like in the after life because egyptians did not believe in death
Generally, the first use of irrigation systems is credited to the Egyptians. Hieroglyphs show men irrigating the water from the Nile on their fields more than 4,000 years ago.
They used them as tombs and they believed that it will pass over people from here to the next life. Pyramids show that Egyptians believed in the afterlife. Egyptians built pyramids to protect pharaohs from Nile floods, wild animals, and foreign invaders. Pyramids contained a person's mummified body, their spirit, and their old possessions, along with various items to help them in the afterlife. Well I hope you all know that we do not take our possessions with us when we leave earth.
There are show jumping rabbits:)
The Cosby Show!
to show royalty in certain ways
they can but its against there religon
To show their superiority and wealth
It shows how cruel it was for them.
The pyramids show that ancient Egyptians were very smart and creative.
One of her greatest achievements was winning and Emmy Award and becoming and actress on a "hit" show called "Good Times".
they show us how to compare things