Egypt has not had kings or royalty for over 60 years. The last king was King Farouk 1 who was the tenth ruler from the Muhammad Ali Dynasty. He was deposed by a group of army officers led by Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1952.
the first king of comnined Egypt was menes
Tutankhamen was the youngest ruler of Egypt
joshua is the first king of Egypt
King Menes united upper and lower Egypt
Menes (Narmer) king of Upper Egypt united the two kingdoms in around 3000BC. (Upper Egypt was united with Lower Egypt, that is the White Crown was united with the Red Crown.)
King Menes is credited with the unification of Egypt, as the first pharaoh. King Narmer is considered by some to be the unifier of Egypt and founder of the First Dynasty, and therefore the first pharaoh of Unified Egypt.
the first king of comnined Egypt was menes
yes he did become king of Egypt
He was the king of Egypt.
Jacob Aaron was the king of Egypt at the time.
King Farouk, last King of Egypt.
not who but what!a hippo killed the first king of Egypt.
Tutankhamen was the youngest ruler of Egypt
King Menes
Reality? Egypt is not a monarchy, so there is no king of Egypt.