From Phoenician alphabetic script, modified progressively to suit their own language pronunciations. Later 8th Century BCE.
The Greeks created an ancient system known today as Linear B, as well as the Greek Alphabet.
The civilization that developed a system of writing using hieroglyphs is the Egyptian civilization. They were very advanced with their writing system.
The Latin language and its alphabet.
i think it was the Minoan culture
Well, we will never know what they called it, but now we call them Heirogylphs or Heiroglyphics.
The Greeks created an ancient system known today as Linear B, as well as the Greek Alphabet.
from china
Meroitic writing
The ancient Greeks had their own system of numeracy but would have known about the Roman system of numeracy
Ancient Greeks
The Etruscans, who got it from the Greeks.
Romans are better known for their fountains because of their vast aqueduct system than were the Ancient Greeks.
Ancient Greeks
The ancient measurement system of which applied to early greeks, romans, egyptians, arabs, and parts of Gaul and Spain; Is Shinto.
Crete was part of Ancient Greece. The Cretian writing system was called Cypriot syllabary. This was a local type of Greek writing.
He borrowed the Chinese calendar, religion, and a system of writing.
phonecian alphabet_linear b