There was a war so he sent out the best troops to fight, and win!
March 7
March was named for the Roman god Mars, the god of war.
No, the Feast of Lupercal takes place on February 15 whereas the Ides of March are on March 15.
between october and march
this happened on March 15th 44BC it is known as " the Ides of March"
General thomas gage
In reference to the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the British commanders were Major General Francis Smith, British Marine officer, John Pitcairn, and Lieutenant-General Hugh Percy. The battles took place on April 19, 1775.
At dawn on April 19.
to battle against the colonists, because the British troops tried to revolt against them
it took 7 miles for the british troops to march from lexington to concord.
They were hoping to capture arms and ammunition that the colonists had stashed in Concord and to also arrest John Hancock and Samuel Adams
The battle of Lexington. Indeed the British troops engaged at Lexington were the same who had to carry on the march to Concord.
In April of 1775, the British military governor of Massachusetts, General Thomas Gage, issued non-written orders to British troops stationed in Boston to march in force to the town of Concord and arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock, among others. These men were known to be leaders of the growing rebellion movement in the Colonies and were rumored to be hiding out in the area of Concord. Written orders specified uncovering and destroying arms also rumored to be hidden in Concord.
The first battle of the American Revolutionary War was fought at Lexington, Massachusetts, some twenty miles northwest of Boston. On April 19th of 1775, American militia troops faced advancing British "redcoats", who quickly dispersed them with musket-fire and then resumed their march forward. They were met again by American troops in the town of Concord, with less favorable results.
A British force marched on concord because they were getting ready in order to prepare for battle, i think.
They came from Boston’s Charlestown by boat and landed to walk to Lexington and Concord. It is about 20 miles from Boston. One of the problems they encountered was their wet boots from the landing and they got blisters. Plus, it was a hot day and they wore red wool uniforms which also caused them problems and they had no water.
In April of 1775, the British Army marched to Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. A battle ensued with many deaths and injuries.