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They were unable to record history, or documents, thus everything was taught by mouth. Over many generations, stories, and historical views were altered because no person tells the facts the same.

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Q: Why did the lack of writing represent a setback to the development of Greek civilization?
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Why is writing important for the development of a civilization?

Writing helped civilization to flourish in many different ways for instance it helped communication to get to different places.Writing is still used today in many different ways including newspapers,traffic signs,etc. Rate This Answer

Which civilization used cuneiform writing?

Cuneiform writing was used by the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, such as the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. It consisted of wedge-shaped characters impressed on clay tablets and was the earliest known form of writing.

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The civilization that developed a system of writing using hieroglyphs is the Egyptian civilization. They were very advanced with their writing system.

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Well, actually none, EXCEPT, the Inca. The used Quipa. A system of ropes tied in knots. Knots would be tied accordingly to represent certain words.

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Development of theme is used in websites and writing. Theme development in writing is when the underlying idea is laid out for a story.

What mesoamerican civilization created a sophisticated writing system using hieroglyphs?

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