I Think It Was Gold But I'm Not Sure
a group of mummies is called a festival
Mummification is very interesting when studying mummies. This METHOD IS SO DUM!
mummies were wraped in linen cloth
they wrapped the mummy in some sort of linen cloth
They started calling mummies mummies when the human was wrapped and when they were blessing the body with the sacred charms. They also started calling mummies mummies when the people who wrapped the body up thought of a name to call them and then they came up with the name when they put the oils on the body and mummified it.
ace bandages.
They are called Mummies.
NO, mummies are people that are are wrapped in some kind of tissue. mummies are believed to still be alive after they are dead.
Linen bandages!not toilet tissue
they wrapped them because to remember them.
They are called Mummies.
so they dont get cold