I have a oil painting with the name D. E. White on it. I need to know who this person is or was. The painting is so good you can reach in and touch the subject matter figuratively speaking. I believe this is a famous artist. Can someone help Thank you . Dan M
Hints on painting for kids can be found on a number of websites. A particularly helpful example can be found on the eHow website, with the topic name Painting Tips for Kids.
Outdoor painting or Plein air.
I wasn't sure how to ask a question. I am in the same position. I bought an oil painting back in 1992. It is a painting of a girl in turn of the century fashion. She is leaning on her knee on a piano bench with her hand on the keys. I have tried for YEARS to find something out about this. Somebody out there must know something. Please help! On the bottom right corner the name Paragol is printed. Any information will be greatly appreciated. my email isilligrl69@yahoo.comThank you for reading this.
The painting got its name from the arched window in the background, at the top of the house.
Very often you can just google the name of the painting and find the artist. what if you don't have a title on your painting?
the sad ranch
i try to find a men in europe. please help me ' i have just the name
I'm trying to find this answer someone please help me
I cannot name the painting, but since it includes a Russian character I would think it is by Ljubov Popova.
Composition of Outdoor Painting is a book written by Edgar Payne. There are a lot of websites that will help people find it. To name a few, one could visit websites such as Amazon, ABE Books, Good Reads and more.
i really need help can someone please help me out i cant find this answer no where..Does anyone know it??its about the ocean trenches please help
Do a net search for bike name + review, and read what you find.
one way try ancestory.com that will help find out what back round you are and you can also tell by your last name if you can find someone with your last name you could ask them what their back round is
one way try ancestory.com that will help find out what back round you are and you can also tell by your last name if you can find someone with your last name you could ask them what their back round is
If you are in a server, most servers are /tpa (players name) if its not there do /help and maybe u can find it
You can find the painting name on google,yahoo,bing. then there is a website on the search list. put the link and find the painting that you want. If you want portrait painting. here is a link for your reference.