No, he was an artist. Some of his popular work was done in the style of comic book art.
He found it was a good idea.
Roy Lichtenstein was born in New York as the son of a realtor and a housewife, Milton and Beatrice Werner Lichtenstein.
no he had a wife
Yes, the dots that Roy Lichtenstein uses are his signature mark and are called 'Benday Dots'.
The artist Roy Lichtenstein used them, they were his trademark.
In 1961 Roy Lichtenstein first started to use comic art as pop art .
Enlarged comic strips.
He found it was a good idea.
Enlarged comic strips.
From comic books.
he uses emotional movement comic pictures
ben-day dots , primary colors , and comic strips
Roy Lichtenstein's birth name is Roy Fox Lichtenstein.
Roy Lichtenstein was a visual effects director who died in 1997.
Roy Lichtenstein.
The cast of Roy Lichtenstein - 1975 includes: Roy Lichtenstein as himself
The cast of Roy Lichtenstein - 1991 includes: Roy Lichtenstein as himself