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Q: Cases of civil law were applied to citizens and later to noncitizens by judges who were called?
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When did Henry II of England create traveling circuit judges?

King Henry II of England created traveling court judges with the issue of a declaration, called the Assize of Clarendon. The declaration ordered the judges to travel a pre-set route to hear cases, instead of bringing the cases to London. The system lasted in England until 1971.

What are 3 common principles of law developed by the Romans?

Some of the basic principles of law developed by the Romans include contracts and insurance. Contracts made it easy for people to do business with strangers.

What did praetors do in Rome's government?

Praetors were Roman officials who were second only to the Counsuls. Their main function was to oversee Roman justice, as a modern judge does. They could also command an army and were in charge of the city when the Counsuls were absent. When their term of office was finished, ex-praetors were often given important provincial positions.

How did the twelve tables change roman law?

The ancient Roman Twelve Tables had an immense impact on Roman society. Here are some summary facts about this vastly important Roman development: A. The plebeians of Rome were unfairly treated by the aristocracy; B. The plebeians put forth a demand that Rome's unwritten laws be placed in writing in order that the patrician judges could not at will interpret the unwritten laws as they saw fit to do; C. In about 450 BC, this demand to place the laws in writing came to pass and was called the Law of the Twelve Tables; D. The Twelve Tables was a major step to end the patrician judges to rule in favor of the aristocracy; and E. The Twelve Tables was the first phase of the further development of Roman laws.

How did the roman law system work?

(Note: If you have a truly valid addition, add it, but do not change or subtract the current answer.)There are three basic types of law:Civil Law - that which relies on a codification of law in writing rather than judicial precedentCommon Law - that which relies on precedents of previous decisions of judges based on historic customs.Criminal Law - that which operates on legislated prohibitions of certain conduct.Originally Roman law was unwritten, which gave the aristocracy, the custodians of it, a decisive edge which, allied to their being also custodians of the state religion, gave them enormous power to control the populace. Agitation led to a codification called the Twelve Tables. This was followed over the centuries by codifications of additional laws by eminent jurists, essentially the process of conversion from customary (Common) law to civil law. The process was virtually completed by the 4th Century CE.Today's Civil Law rests on the Roman precedents with later developments over 1,500 years, just as the the Roman Civil Law developed over a thousand years.