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Nobody wore tights in the medieval period - blame Hollywood for that particular piece of nonsense fiction.

Fashions changed considerably during the very long medieval era: the Saxons and Vikings wore trousers from waist to ankle. By the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066, these had become obsolete and men wore "hose" instead - these were separate legs of wool material that tied to the waistband of the braies (long, very baggy linen underpants). These hose tucked into the shoes.

Hose remained the fashion throughout the medieval era, although the shape and style of underwear changed. During the 14th century some men wore hose of different colours ("parti-colour").

Capes in the sense of a hooded garment that extended to cover the shoulders or extended like a cloak to cover most of the body were certainly worn. Some capes were sewn shut down the front and had short sleeves attached to be worn as wet-weather dress by carters, shepherds and other outdoor workers.

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