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Q: Having to do with Middle Ages?
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In the Middle Ages who believed in atoms?

In the middle ages nobody had heard of atoms. They were having problems visualising a spherical world.

What is belonging to or having to do with the middle ages are called?

The word is medieval.

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Where are there articles on the early middle ages?

There is a link below to an article on the Early Middle Ages. Aside from having a lot of information, it has other links and references.

Belonging to or having to do with the middle ages is called?

medieval medieval

A word that refers to life during middle ages?

The middle ages way of life was called feudalism.

Belonging to or having to do with the middle ages?

The term Medieval refers to anything concerning to the Middle Ages. This time period was between 476 and 1453 AD.

What is the period in Europe between AD 500 and 1500 known as?

The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.

What was the ending of middle ages?

The Middle Ages are the middle between classical antiquity, which is regarded as having ended with the fall of the Roman Empire of the West, with the usual date being 476, and the Renaissance, which is regarded as having begun in 1453, 1492, or 1513, depending on who you are talking to and what is regarded as important.

What was a explorers in a Middle Ages?

There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.

How do the knights get ready for war middle ages?

having what they think is their final sexual intercourse with their wives

What is the third period of the middle ages called?

The third period of the Middle Ages was the Late Middle Ages. The first is called the Early Middle Ages or the Dark Age. The second period was the High Middle Ages.