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In most cases a peasant became a peasant by default. If the parents where peasants the child was also a peasant.

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Q: How did a peasant become a peasant in the middle ages?
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What items did a peasant need during the middle ages to become a merchant?

A peasant didn't become a merchant. People didn't change positions or life styles like people today. Born a peasant stayed a peasant. It was very simple everyone knew their place.

How were peasant women educated in the Middle Ages?

they weren't.

What was a peasant pay in the middle ages?

about one shilling

What is the responsibilities of a peasant in the middle ages?

they worked in feilds

What was the good thing of being a peasant in the middle ages?

The peasants of the Middle Ages had very few responsibilities.

What were the different classes in the middle ages or the dark ages?

Church, noble, peasant, serf.

What did social diversity do in the medieval ages?

In the Middle Ages there was no social diversity. People were born into a class of people and that is where they stayed. If they were a peasant they stayed a peasant, a serf stayed a serf, clergy stayed with the church, and the nobility stayed in their class. A noble didn't marry a peasant and a peasant didn't become educated since there were no schools. There was no upward mobility within the society.

What were womens lives like during the middle ages?

Women held positions of wife,mother,peasant and nun during the Middle Ages.

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What does lady mean in the middle ages mean?

The wife of a Lord. If you were a peasant you were a woman.

What was peasant life like for women back in the middle ages?

Women held positions of wife,mother,peasant and nun during the Middle Ages.

What would happen if a peasant didn't do their job in the middle ages?

they would get hung on a rope