In the Middle Ages, the land was divided by the kings among their vassals. At the lowest level, it was divided into manors, which were large farms where peasant families lived. The land of the manors was divided by the lord or by his steward into land reserved for the lord and land to be used by the peasants or serfs. The lord's land included fields where crops were grown for the lord's household, forest, and other park land.
The serfs' land was further subdivided into fields held in common and fields reserved for the use of individual serf families. The job of doing this was usually done by a reeve, who was appointed from among the serfs, either by the lord or through election by the serfs themselves. The fields held in common included fallow land, which was usually used for grazing, and crop land where specific crops were raised for common use. The land for the individual serf families was divided into vegetable gardens, pens, and so on.
After the fall of Rome what two things caused Western Europe to divide into multiple kingdoms
usually surfs in the middle ages lived up to about 40 years tops, 20 years average.
The serfs were the poorest people in the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages there were also homeless people and abandoned children/women so they could be considered the poorest. They lived in the streets and would go to the rivers/coasts to pick up discarded items and garbage.
The sword comes from the ancient Chinese. The medieval swords come up from different ages like iron age, bronze age, middle ages, late middle ages and the modern era. In medieval swords so many swords are categorized so specifically we cannot say who invented these.
Middle ages started in 410 AD with the fall of Rome and ended in the 1400's with the age of exploration. It was a 1,000 years of "darkness" and superstition. Run by the Church it taught people they were born in sin and would die in sin if they didn't follow the dictates of the church. It was a time of chaos and war, when government was gone, and when people were slaves to the Nobility. The dates given are approximate as there is no exact definition - and different dates are sometimes given for different countries. ~Jponbac Gunna
The Middle Ages are usually regarded as having lasted from the abdication of Romulus Augustulus, Emperor of the Roman Empire of the West, in 476, which is taken as the date of the fall of the Roman Empire, until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Sometimes a final date of 1492 is given, as this corresponds with both the fall of the Emirate of Grenada and the discovery of the New World. The usual divisions used are:Early Middle Ages, from 476 to 1000.High Middle Ages from 1000 to 1300.Late Middle Ages from 1300 to 1453 or 1492.The Early Middle Ages began with the Age of Migrations, in which Germanic tribes entered the territory of the old West Roman Empire and set up kingdoms. After that was a time in which the Kingdoms grew, and this was the period of the Carolingian Empire and its division into the Kingdom of France and the Holy Roman Empire.The High Middle Ages saw progress in art, architecture, commerce, government, and so on. It was a time of the crusades, and it was during this time that many town and cities grew to become important.The Late Middle Ages was a time in which there were famines and the Black Death. But it was also a time in which the Renaissance started.
with a Doomesday book
usually surfs in the middle ages lived up to about 40 years tops, 20 years average.
where the land is split up
usually surfs in the middle ages lived up to about 40 years tops, 20 years average.
The end of the Roman empire up to the Norman invasion of England in 1066 is the period known as the Dark Ages. The end of the Dark Ages is often counted as the beginning of the Middle Ages in British History.
Anywhere from birth up to middle ages.
They were called guilds.
Vikings raided all along the coasts, and up the major rivers, of Europe in the Early Middle Ages.
Quick answer: Sort of. Slightly longer answer: Most scholars do not use the term "Dark Ages." This term usually refers to the period from the end of antiquity up until approximately the year 1000 C.E. Most scholars refer to this period as the Early Middle Ages. The is followed by the "High Middle Ages", 1000-1300, and the "Late Middle Ages" from 1300-1500.
the manor system
three parts