The Middle Ages are usually regarded as having lasted from the abdication of Romulus Augustulus, Emperor of the Roman Empire of the West, in 476, which is taken as the date of the fall of the Roman Empire, until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Sometimes a final date of 1492 is given, as this corresponds with both the fall of the Emirate of Grenada and the discovery of the New World. The usual divisions used are:
The Early Middle Ages began with the Age of Migrations, in which Germanic tribes entered the territory of the old West Roman Empire and set up kingdoms. After that was a time in which the Kingdoms grew, and this was the period of the Carolingian Empire and its division into the Kingdom of France and the Holy Roman Empire.
The High Middle Ages saw progress in art, architecture, commerce, government, and so on. It was a time of the crusades, and it was during this time that many town and cities grew to become important.
The Late Middle Ages was a time in which there were famines and the Black Death. But it was also a time in which the Renaissance started.
The modern era has seen more globalization than the Middle Ages.
There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.
The renaissance was a time of change and creativity
Before the middle ages was Anquity (Greeks and Romans) and after the middle ages was the Renissance
Middle ages started in 410 AD with the fall of Rome and ended in the 1400's with the age of exploration. It was a 1,000 years of "darkness" and superstition. Run by the Church it taught people they were born in sin and would die in sin if they didn't follow the dictates of the church. It was a time of chaos and war, when government was gone, and when people were slaves to the Nobility. The dates given are approximate as there is no exact definition - and different dates are sometimes given for different countries. ~Jponbac Gunna
life was different in middle ages since it was the middles ages and in manor well, it was the manor!
The modern era has seen more globalization than the Middle Ages.
The middle ages is called the middle ages because its in the middle of two different time periods, or periods of time, in which things were a certain way for a that period of time.
in different castles
Church, noble, peasant, serf.
Today's weapons are different from those of the Middle Ages for the same reason that we ride in cars instead of carts. Things change.
None. They are two different ages and times.
Different groups of people have different ideas about the Middle Ages. Today, probably a majority of historians have the Middle Ages lasting from the 5th century to the 15th century. Some historians call the first half of that time the Dark Ages, and have the Middle Ages lasting from the 11th century to the 15th.
The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.
Many of the saints of the Middle Ages were missionaries. But saints came from all classes of life and did many very different things.
There was a certain overlap between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, particularly in Italy, where the Renaissance began about a hundred years before the Middle Ages ended. So there was a point when they were the same. Fashions change, however, and this was especially true in both the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Apart from that bit of overlap, clothing of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages were different.
No or it wouldn't be called "Elizabethan" it would have been called the middle ages. Two different time periods.