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Some peasants provided rent in the forms of labor and a part of the crop. They worked on the lord's land a given number of days per week, and provided a certain amount of what they grew, usually in the form of wheat. Serfs were usually of this type, as were cottagers; serfs, who were at a higher rank, had more land to till, and cottagers provided rent more in the form of labor.

Other peasants paid money as rent. These peasants were called free tenants or freemen.

Some peasants had their own farms, and did not pay rent to a lord, but directly to the king. They were required to be prepared to fight in wars, usually as archers. They were called yeomen.

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16y ago

By working for him on his land. The Black Death (1348-51) led to widespread economic dislocation, and it then gradually become more common in Western Europe for peasant to pay rent in cash.

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14y ago

The peasants had to give the lord rent in the form of labor, a share of the crop, or money. In exchange, they got a place to live, land to farm on, and protection.

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8y ago

Usually as they had no money they paid taxes "in kind", meaning in goods that they produced (e.g. crops, wool, meat).

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Q: How did the peasants pay rent to the lord for their farming strip?
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What did hardships did peasants face in medieval times?

Life was hard for them. They not only worked for their rent, but had to pay taxes as well. They were expected to give their labor and time to the lord of the manor as well as fight his wars. They were very poor.

What is boon work in medieval times?

Boon work generally refers to work performed by peasants on the lord's land (the demesne) as part-payment of their rent. The work would be allocated to a set number of days per week, with the remaining time spent on their own strips of land. Boon-work was also performed as a gift to the lord to mark a special occasion such as his marriage.

. Manorialism can best be described as?

the economic ties between the nobles and the peasants who worked on their lands. (this is for study island)

How much land was granted for the seigneural system and where was it located?

You do not specify whether you are referring to the seigneurial system in general or the seigneurial system of New France. The seigneurial system was located all over kingdoms of Europe. Another term for this is system is manorial system .Seigneur is the French for lord of the manor. These were barons who owned most of the land at the local level. Political, legal and economic power was vested in the lord of the manor. Economically this was based of the lords' landholdings in a manor (or fief). Peasants were required to offer certain amounts of labour services (corvee labour) on these holdings. Tributes in kind (mostly livestock) were also required. Some of the lord's land was rented. Originally rent came in the form of sharecropping in which the peasants had to give the lords a share of their harvest. Then payments in cash became common. This applied to all peasants who came under the lord's jurisdiction. For a long time the peasants were the serfs of the lord and were not allowed to leave the jurisdiction. However, manorialism outlasted serfdom and feudalism. The seigneurial system of New France refers to the application manorial system in New France, the French colonies in North America: Quebec in Canada and the American Midwest. The Company of New France was given vast land grants and extensive trade rights in exchange for bringing 4,000 settlers to America. It was located all over the vast French possessions. However, migration to New France was very low, which limited the effectiveness of the system, the amount of land which could be rented out and the economy of the colony.

What were the advantages on living on a medieval manor?

although the serfs didn't get freedom, they get security from their lords and they are bound to the land so they can never go out of it. they will also get land for harvesting and planting their own food and if their lord is kind they can even get meat

Related questions

What jobs did peasants do medieval times?

Peasants were usually uneducated and only able to do menial labor or farming jobs. They usually worked the land on a manor estate, paying rent by providing the Lord with their harvest. They were also did much of the construction of roads and bridges, as well as cared for the animals on the Lord's property..

What type of farming was used in the manors?

Manors typically used a system of farming known as the manorial system. This involved a lord granting land to peasants in exchange for labor or goods. The peasants would work the land and give a portion of the produce to the lord as rent.

What was the daily life of a medieval bailiff of the manor like?

The bailiff was appointed by the lord to collect rent from tenants on the manor. he supervised the services due to the lord from his tenants. he also represented the peasants to the lord. he helped oversee the peasants work, and managed the day-to-day profits and expenses of the manor

How did manorialism work ineurope?

Manorialism in Europe was a system where peasants lived on a lord's estate, known as a manor, and worked the land in exchange for protection and a share of the crops. The lord would provide the peasants with land, housing, and some resources, while the peasants would work the land and pay rent or provide services to the lord. This system created a hierarchy of social classes and allowed for a stable agricultural economy during the medieval period.

Why did peasants work?

For the most part, medieval peasants worked on manors at agricultural jobs. They did labor or gave the lord a part of their crop, or paid rent in money. In exchange, the lord gave them a place to live, fields to farm, and protection against such things as wars and robbers. He also was considered to be obliged to feed them in a famine.

In which type of farming does the farmer pay rent for the use of land and keep the crops profit?

Cash rent or tenant farming.

What are the classes of land?

There were three classes of land on a manor. The demesne was the land used by the lord for his own purposes. The dependent holdings were used by serfs in exchange for part of the crop or labor for the lord. The free peasant land was used by the peasants, who paid rent on it.

What did hardships did peasants face in medieval times?

Life was hard for them. They not only worked for their rent, but had to pay taxes as well. They were expected to give their labor and time to the lord of the manor as well as fight his wars. They were very poor.

What are some of the obligations and rents that people living on a manor owed?

People living on a manor typically owed obligations such as performing labor on the lord's land, providing goods or services, and paying rent in the form of crops or livestock. These obligations were part of the feudal system where peasants exchanged their labor for protection and land use provided by the lord of the manor.

How did tenant farmers pay their rent in ancient china?

A tenant farmer

What is the definition of a lord in the Middle Ages?

Lords are rulers or powerful landholders. They own land that other people in the manor (Large estate) can rent.(Like peasants) No, they're not the kings or queens. -Mariel (Age 12)

Did peasants rent homes?

Yes, without much money they'd pay a little every now and then