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A troubadour in the Middle Ages was a singer who traveled around. They would sing love songs. Often, they were invited to be entertainment in the King's court, and parties. For nobles, etc., they would come and sing about forbidden love to the lady of whom the noble could not marry. In this way, she would become aware of his feelings for her, without causing a scandal.

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A person who sang songs, played the Flute and told stories.

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A troubadour in the Middle Ages was a?

A troubadour was a wandering poet, he/she would write songs about ladies, love and chivalry. The troubadour was practacly a pilgrim and a freeman.

What was the best job you could get in the middle ages other than the king?

I would choose to be a troubadour.

What is a trobadour?

A trobadour is a composer and performer of Occitan lyric poetry during the High Middle Ages. Since the word "troubadour" is etymologically masculine, a female troubadour is usually called a trobairitz.

What do you call middle ages ballad singer?

Depending on time and place, the singer could be called a bard, troubadour, minstrel, jongleur, minnesinger, or by other names.

What would a troubadour of the Middle Ages need to do to become a master?

You mean a master troubadour? A lot of talent and to be a good salesman. These people were more gypsy than anything else and had to be smart because they were on the move. With a lot of luck they came under the protection of a court where they could stay.

What is an example of Lyric Poetry of the Middle Ages?

An example of lyric poetry from the Middle Ages is "Can vei la lauzeta mover" by Bernart de Ventadorn, a troubadour poet from the 12th century. This poem expresses themes of courtly love and unrequited passion, common in medieval lyric poetry.

What is the period in Europe between AD 500 and 1500 known as?

The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.

What is the name of a wandering performer of music and poetry in the Middle Ages?

A travelling singer or poet was called a bard, minstrel, troubadour (m) or trobairitz (f), Trouvère, minnesinger, jongleur, kobzar, or by other names.

Who wrote most of the troubadour poetry?

The troubadour poetry was primarily written by the troubadours themselves, who were poets and composers from Occitania in the Middle Ages. They composed poems and songs in the Occitan language that covered themes like courtly love, chivalry, and politics. Some well-known troubadours include Arnaut Daniel, Bertran de Born, and Guillaume IX, Duke of Aquitaine.

What was a explorers in a Middle Ages?

There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.

What is the third period of the middle ages called?

The third period of the Middle Ages was the Late Middle Ages. The first is called the Early Middle Ages or the Dark Age. The second period was the High Middle Ages.

What time was the middle ages?

Early Middle Ages 400 - 700, High Middle Ages 700 - 1300, Late Middle Ages 1300 -1500.