The heritage of Rome, Various German tribes, Beliefs of Roman catholic church
Since the middle ages had no knowledge of the brain or its functions there were several ideas about intelligence and the soul. The heart was considered to be one of the places where these were located.
There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.
Before the middle ages was Anquity (Greeks and Romans) and after the middle ages was the Renissance
the difference between the renaissance and the middle ages is that the middle ages was a time of survival and religious belives. During the middle ages people still believed in god. Also, there were many raids, and travel was not safe. People focused on getting enough food and survivng in the harsh way of life. The middle ages is known as the dark ages because of how harsh people lived. On the other hand the renaissance was of time of rebith, invention, and bring back the classic ways of the Greek and Roman ideas. People lived in luxury and enjoyed life unlike the people of the medival era, otherwise known as the middle ages.
well your wording is confusing😕
The start of exploration ened the middle ages. New ideas, foods, and thinking came into Europe.
Napoleon ruled in the 1800's. Not the Middle Ages.
If you're going to be a writer, you have to come up with your own ideas. I can tell you that you need to do some research into the Middle Ages so you can see what parts of this era are interesting to you. You have to be interested in a story in order to write it. This link will show you how writers get their ideas.
End of middle ages, smart thinkers like davinci, and new ideas
The renaissance represents the new ideas of the age, in that it was the movement back to the ideas of the ancient Greeks and Romans. However, renaissance was more realistic compared to one in the Middle Ages
King Arthur's setting was in the Dark Ages, or Middle Ages. It was the period of time before the Renaissance. The Renasissance was the period of great new ideas and inventions. However the Middle Ages was a time of loss of technology.
Different groups of people have different ideas about the Middle Ages. Today, probably a majority of historians have the Middle Ages lasting from the 5th century to the 15th century. Some historians call the first half of that time the Dark Ages, and have the Middle Ages lasting from the 11th century to the 15th.
china and korea
Since the middle ages had no knowledge of the brain or its functions there were several ideas about intelligence and the soul. The heart was considered to be one of the places where these were located.
The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.
There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.
The Medieval world tended to be Theocentric. The Renaissance world tended to be Anthropocentric.