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Q: What barbaric tribes enter Rome?
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What were the Germanic tribes that lived along the northern borders of the Roman Empire and eventually invaded the empire?

There were several Germanic tribes that attacked Rome, but the main ones were the Goths, Franks and Alamanni, Vandals, and Lombards.There were several Germanic tribes that attacked Rome, but the main ones were the Goths, Franks and Alamanni, Vandals, and Lombards.There were several Germanic tribes that attacked Rome, but the main ones were the Goths, Franks and Alamanni, Vandals, and Lombards.There were several Germanic tribes that attacked Rome, but the main ones were the Goths, Franks and Alamanni, Vandals, and Lombards.There were several Germanic tribes that attacked Rome, but the main ones were the Goths, Franks and Alamanni, Vandals, and Lombards.There were several Germanic tribes that attacked Rome, but the main ones were the Goths, Franks and Alamanni, Vandals, and Lombards.There were several Germanic tribes that attacked Rome, but the main ones were the Goths, Franks and Alamanni, Vandals, and Lombards.There were several Germanic tribes that attacked Rome, but the main ones were the Goths, Franks and Alamanni, Vandals, and Lombards.There were several Germanic tribes that attacked Rome, but the main ones were the Goths, Franks and Alamanni, Vandals, and Lombards.

Did rome fall apart after germanic tribes invaded the empire?

While the germanic tribes were invading, a germanic leader Odoacer, a former Roman army recriut, finally conquered Rome in 476 A.D.

Why was the Middle Ages known as barbaric?

"Barbaric" is a term that has been romanticised to infer the primitive and brutal nature of life and warfare during the Middle Ages (ca. 5th to 15th centuries) The term can also relate the the loosely coined "Barbarians", which was given to tribes and people outside the Roman Empire prior to the onset of the Middle Ages. As the rapid expansion of the Roman Empire and the influx of foreigners (i.e. barbarians) into the Roman lands were responsible for the demise of the the Empire, it could be another reason why the Middle Ages are labelled as 'barbaric'. It is however, not appropriate to label the entire Middle Ages period as barbaric as there very many discoveries and occurrences during this time that were very civilised and eminent and far from the stereotypical and contemporary definition of barbaric.

What are the ideas that the Middle Ages were rooted in?

The heritage of Rome, Various German tribes, Beliefs of Roman catholic church

What city was Marius consul for in ancient history?

Gaius Marius was the consul for Rome and was elected seven times. Marius defeated the invading Germanic tribes, his career was of great significance for Rome's transformation from Republic to Empire.

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Why did barbaric tribes conquer Rome?

Rome was weak "morally."

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The most barbaric thing about the Inuit tribes is probably the fact that they slaughter whales and seals inhumanely.

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When the barbarians attacked Rome slaves (who may have come from the barbaric tribes or other places) rebelled against their Roman masters killed and hurting them, so the Roman army could not defend itself from so many things.

What tribes invade northern Rome?

The Germanic tribes

What is the name of the barbaric tribe that helped bring about the collapse of Rome?

the vandals

Witch barbaric tribe helped bring about the collapse of Rome?

The vandals

Who is the most famous barbaric general?

Depends on what u mean by barbaric general in terms of Greece or jusst in general or Rome's germanic barbarians

Who were the enemies of Han Dynasty?

The Xiong Nu mainly, and the Xian Bei during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

A barbaric tribe that helped bring about the collapse of rome?

Several Germanic tribes and the Alans (who were Iranian speakers) contributed to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire (which is what the term fall of Rome refers to). In continental Europe they were: the Vandals, Sueves, Alemanni, Burgundians and Visigoths. On Britain they were the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians.

Who are the 10 barbaric tribes of Europe?

CeltsGaulsSahara NomadsGothsVandals (Asding, Siling Vandals, Alans, Suevi)VisigothsFranksTeutonic (Deutsch)Anglo-SaxonLombardsOstrogothsBurgundians

Why weren't the Germanic tribes conquered by ancient Rome?

Because the German tribes were too strong and numerous for Rome to effectively take on even in standalone battles.

What barbaric tribes took over Holy Roman Empire after it collapse?

The French, Spanish, Austrians, Germans, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks etc.