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The rich wore embrodied robes and posh stuff
Lavish (posh) clothes and items made of the finest silk.
Here something, in Medieval times, rich would wear stuff that you would think a king and queen would wear. Colorful robes and gowns, crowns etc. Another thing you need to note is that during the medieval times, the rich were like kings and queens because of the Feudal Government.
The general rule was less change is better. Until the beginning of the 12th century the clothing remained as it had been in Roman times: long tunics fall straight to the feet for women and to the knees for men. Even the influence of the crusades was not great, but some silk and furs were introduced. A big change came about around 1350 with men's outfits becoming shorter and more figure hugging. In the 16th century ( well after the medieval) the upper classes adopted black costume of Spanish style, but for the most part the clothing they wore stayed pretty much the same. Europe lacked wool, cotton, and silk. Flax and hemp was used for fabrics.
im not really sure but i think they wore linen, wool or animal skin and sometimes they dye it and if they were rich enough they could buy silk

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The general rule was less change is better. Until the beginning of the 12th century the clothing remained as it had been in Roman times: long tunics fall straight to the feet for women and to the knees for men. Even the influence of the crusades was not great, but some silk and furs were introduced. A big change came about around 1350 with men's outfits becoming shorter and more figure hugging. In the 16th century ( well after the medieval) the upper classes adopted black costume of Spanish style, but for the most part the clothing they wore stayed pretty much the same. Europe lacked wool, cotton, and silk. Flax and hemp was used for fabrics.

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Q: What did medieval rich people wear?
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