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Here are the jobs:


- laundresses

- tended to children, there own and others

- worked along side there husbands

- cleaned-


- worked on the fields of lords/ barons

- clean

- serve the higher classes

- did whatever the lord/ baron wanted

Life as a "serf" was often difficult and long. Though they were the lowest of the classes they made up most of the population.

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14y ago
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13y ago


Medieval serfs didn't have any free time. They spent there time farming and taking care of there animals they had. Usually they had little breaks during there working hours, but they still had to work many hours. The serfs had to make sure that the king or the lord had food when it was time for dinner. This made the serfs very eager to finish there work.


Actually, serfs did have free time, which we know because there are records of things they did. They played a variety of games, including a sort of football that we call medieval football today. They also played and sang music, and they danced. There is medieval music still around that may have been composed by peasants. They attended theatrical events when an itinerant theatrical group was in the village. Clearly they told and listened to stories. They celebrated feasts and weddings.

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10y ago

Sports were popular. Football was a popular sport, but there were others. Such sports did not have official rules, such as we have today, and could be rather chaotic, by modern standards.

Peasants liked to celebrate with music and dancing. A wedding might be an example of an event calling for such celebration. Feast days, including saints' days and other religious holidays, came regularly, and these celebrations had, but were not necessarily limited to, religious content. Every apple

us forms of entertainment to watch, including magicians, jugglers, minstrels, and people engaged in combat sports like jousting. Fairs also had various goods for sale, and the peasants often went to sell the things they made.

Theatrical productions, including miracle plays, mystery plays, and morality plays were encourage by the Church and sometimes happened at, or even in, the local church. Other productions called mummings were discouraged by the Church, had content that included holdovers from a pagan past, and were very popular with people who just wanted a good time.

They played games, including gambling games with dice and similar objects.

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13y ago

played Chess

played checkers

played dice games

had horse races ( if they were rich)


plays ( usually with stories from the church)

foot races


games of physical prowess



played backgammon


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13y ago

They Jousted, Had Feasts and Drank Allot

they had fairs and sometimes went down to the stocks and threw rotten fruits at people in the stoks

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10y ago

They did not get much free time but when they did they would play games , see friends or practice crafts.

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