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A motte and bailey Castle is what was built in England when William Duke of Normandy ruled. They were built for speed so they could intimmidate the peasents.

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Q: What is a baliey castle in the middle ages?
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Castle Rising was built in Norfolk in 1138, and is certainly from the very middle of the Middle Ages. I have added a link to a Wikipedia article below.

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There is no castle "Cinderella's Castle". The castle that is pictured is make believe. The closest one to it is in Germany and is called Neuschwanstien and was built in the 1700's by Ludwig of Bavaria. ( well past the middle ages)

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to protect the king and castle

In the middle ages how long did a castle take to build?

It took about 10 years or maybe even more! And for a castle in the middle ages and how big they were I think it would take 25 years or more!

When Was Motte Bailey Castle Built?

in the middle ages which is 500 to 1450

What did the Middle Ages live in?

Generally a castle or Tower of some sort.

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No not really.

What is the name for the protective ditch around a castle in middle ages?

A Moat