Most peasants worked for feudal lords of one sort or another, who owned the manors the peasants worked on. Some peasants worked on property that belonged to the Church. They worked for the churches, abbeys, monasteries, or other Church organizations that owned the land. Some peasants owned their own small farms and worked for themselves.
A monastery or feudal lord.
AnswerLanded wasn't really divided on manors. There were areas for crops, herds, living, and hunting. It all belonged to the lord of the manor who in turn used it with permission of the king. AnswerThe land on a manor was divided into three classes, as follows: Demesne, which was the land a lord reserved for his own use. This could be for such purposes as hunting, or for gardens, or for other purposes, as he saw fit.Dependent holdings, which were farmed by the serfs, communally or singly, in exchange for a part of the crops or serviceFree peasant land, on which a peasant typically paid rentThere was church land on many manors, and this technically belonged to the lord, and I suppose it was part of the demesne. Also there were villages on the land of some manors, and I do not know for certain what the status of this land was, but have always assumed it twas part of the free peasant land. Of course there was a lot of variation in all of this.There is a link below to an article on Manorialism, to the section on land use and other features.
in lancaster
Yes, the Medieval manors system were intended to be as self sufficient as possible.
Monors are the areas which are mainly owned by a Lord. People who live there have some right on it but the ownership is with the Lord. The people who does agriculture there are mainly affected by manorial system.
a lord or a lady
Manors were owned by Lords in English or Seigneurs in French and it was a segment of the feudal system that existed in Central and Western Europe during the middle ages
To protect his vassals and their land
Lord's manors
A Serf was the lowest in the Social Caste in Medieval times, while the Lord and the Lady owned Manors (Households) which were typically larger than most of today's houses. The Lord and Lady were middle class people, and a Serf served the lord and the Lady.
that period was the middle ages
Medieval lands owned by a nobleman or lord for whom the serfs labored and owed allegiance were known as manors or feudal estates. These were self-sufficient agricultural areas, usually centered around a manor house or castle, where the lord exercised control over the serfs who worked the land.
Manors were isolated from each other by large tracts of land owned by the Lord. These were little kingdoms within themselves that were very self efficient. Everything that was needed to run the manor was created locally and in many cases defended locally if the manor came under attack for any reason.
They had to work on the lords land and swear their loyalty to him.