A merchant is someone who buys and sells objects for a living. A medieval merchant is one who did that during the Middle Ages
a midevil merchant class town dweller is a man who sold products in that era and lived in a town with class and dwelled on his problems
I think what you are asking about may be the word "hansa" or "hanse" which was not a merchant's guild, but an organization or league of merchant's guilds. The Hanseatic League rivaled nations for power and importance at one time.
A person who makes fancy clothing (silk, etc.)
In order to establish himself as a merchant a man needed to be free from feudal commitments; he needed financial wealth; he needed contacts among the merchant and seafaring community; he needed to know his goods in order to tell good quality from bad quality and avoid being tricked; he needed a place for storage and suitable sales outlets; he needed to know local laws and regulations on the import and export of goods, payment of taxes, prohibited goods and so on. For these reasons it was often the son of a merchant who took over his father's business when he retired or died. This allowed him to simply take over where the father left off, with all the contacts and trade knowledge he needed. We know from the wills of medieval merchants that businesses were often legally transferred to an eldest son.
A merchant would often go to the market and sell his goods. Then like any other person a merchant will go to church and pray because if not they would most likely get punished by the Lord or even put to death for not respecting God. When a merchant or serf was finished praying they would help around the house with cleaning, cooking, taking care of kids, or farming the land.
A merchant belonged to the guild. The guild was like a union.
No, a merchant was an individual who sold things, but a guild was a group of merchants or craftsmen who had certain common interests.
A milliner medieval is someone who is a hat maker and also a merchant.
They weren't.
a medieval merchant would either live in a seperate house in the same village/town or have his house built into his shop :)
they had pesants and serfs do the work for them
Merchant Guilds
A merchant
Merchant guilds dominated the economic and political life of medieval towns.
Merchant's ate honey, fruit, vegetables, and bread.
a midevil merchant class town dweller is a man who sold products in that era and lived in a town with class and dwelled on his problems
Marco Polo at 17 with his father a Venice merchant.