You need to be more specific. Presumably you know that English speakers call this meal dinner or supper. You need to say which language or people you are referring to if you want to make it possible to answer your question.
For the same reason we have only one main meal. For the Romans it was dinner, just as it is for most of us. They had lighter meals or snacks for both breakfast and lunch, sometimes away from home, so dinner was when the family got together and had their main meal.
Life in Rome 2000 years ago depended on the social status of the citizen. They all enjoyed the baths and evening meals were eventful. Their breakfast was the leftovers from the previous evening meal which was typically cheese, olives, bread with honey. Also available was fresh milk and small flat loaves of bread.
its a meal that is common
The Romans had three meals a day, just a we do. The size and content of the meals would depend on the person's wealth. We hear a lot about the lavish banquets that the wealthy would sometimes host and sometimes get the idea that the Romans only ate one meal. This is a misconception.
In some parts of the United States it is called dinner. In others, where the midday meal is the main meal of the day called dinner, the evening meal is called supper.
"Evening meal" is "repas du soir" in French. You could also use "le diner"
Dinner in the evening.
Supper is a meal usually eaten in the late afternoon or evening and is usually the last meal of the day.
the biggest meal of the day was eaten at noon for the colonist what was that meal called
Late afternoon or early evening was the time that the Romans ate their main meal or their dinner. It was the most substantial meal of the day an sometimes even a banquet.
They didn't. The Romans ate three meals a day just as we do, and their main meal of the day was in the evening just as ours.
the biggest meal of the day was eaten at noon for the colonist what was that meal called
the evening meal is called dinner or tea or even supper. The midday meal is caled lunch or dinner. Depends where you live and how you were brought up
No its English for evening meal or in some places it used interchangably with lunch where tea is the evening meal
Nz's culture is heavily influenced by British, so the evening meal is usually the biggest.
A meal eaten outside on Memorial Day is called a picnic or barbeque.