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military ranking did not develop to the ranking orders we are accustommed to,( i. e. private, lance corporal, sergeant etc.). basically, the apprentice was given to a knight as a squire. the squire trains then later becomes a knight. the serfs and peasants are lowest class. knights are in service to a liege lord who is in service to a duke or a king

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15y ago
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12y ago

Well it deepends on how the country was run. If the country had a monarchy then the way a country as run would be the feudal system. The king would own everything, the barons would own land and soldiers, the knights would own less land and peasants to work for them and the peasants would own nothing.

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14y ago

There were 4 levels or ranks.

  • The church. The Catholic church was in charge of the society through setting rules for behavior and teaching that man was born in sin. They also taught that the only way to God was through them.
  • Nobles
  • peasants
  • serfs
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14y ago

The titles were not all used in all places, and there is some overlap. From the top down, they were as follows:

  • Emperor, Empress
  • King, Queen
  • Prince, Princess
  • Duke, Duchess
  • Marcher lord or Marquess, Marchioness
  • Earl or Count, Countess
  • Viscount, Viscountess
  • Baron, Baroness
  • Baronet, Baronetess
  • Knight, Dame or Lady

There were different kinds of princes, and though they were not distinguished by title in English, they were in other languages. One is the son of a king, and the other is a monarch of lower title than king.

The title of Dame is for a woman of a knight's rank in her own right, though some orders gave such a woman the title of lady. The title of lady could also be used for the wife of a knight, or for other people.

The title of Count Palatine existed in Germany, where it was lower than king. Because the Count Palatine was an elector, he was considered a prince-elector.

The title of marquess was not used in the middle ages, but there were people referred to as marcher lords.

A baronet was the equivalent of a hereditary knight.

In England, landed gentry are considered part of the nobility. The term is not precisely defined. Esquire was used for it after the Middle Ages, but also usually informally.

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14y ago

Pope and church








Hope this helps :)

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Q: What is the order of the feudal system from the middle ages?
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What a feudal system?

A system of trading loyalties for protectionin the middle ages.

What is a feudal system?

A system of trading loyalties for protectionin the middle ages.

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What responsibilities did the pesents have in the middle ages?

To serve under the feudal system, and grow the crops ect.

Does the feudal system work?

yes it does and it did for many years during the middle ages. some thought manorialism worked even better, but the feudal system was very affective.

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The Romans did not learn anything form the feudal system because this system came about in the middle ages, that is after the fall of the Roman empire and the demise of Roman civilisation.

How do you use the feudal in a sentence?

During the middle ages most societies operated under some form of feudal system.

What is feudal economics?

Feudal economics are simply the economics associated with the decentralized hierarchical system of feudalism, and aspect of the middle ages. They did not differ appreciably from other economics of the middle ages, except that local nobility and bishops often coined their own money.

Is class the system of stratification for feudal societies of the European Middle Ages?

The European Ages used class and estates as a system of stratification for feudal societies. Feudalism had three estates, which were the Church was the first estate, the nobility were the second, and the peasants were the third estate.