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Barons maintained one or more castles as military strong points. They controlled lands and forests and collected taxes to support their activities. They were subject to the King's laws as they applied to the nobility, and were required to share tax money with the King, and to come when the King called, with a substantial army to defend the King's lands and rights, or to support the King in battles elsewhere.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Barons were given land by William the Conqueror in return for loyalty. They had land all over the country and gave it to Knights (Lords) in return for loyalty and 40 days per year in the army.

It is basically just The Feudal System so just look that up!

Hope this helps :)

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13y ago

Medieval society had three secular levels of ranks, the royalty, the nobility, and ordinary people. The nobility included a higher ranking group, called peers, and a lower group who were commoners (ordinary people were also commoners). The peers were people who had large estates, who could raise numbers of men at arms, and who were considered to be suitable to advise the king. Of the peers, the barons ranked lowest, after dukes and counts.

A baron's estate was called a barony, just as a count's was called a county and a duke's was a duchy. The barony might include towns and a number of manors. Some of the manors would have been holdings of lower nobility, such as knights, while others would have been the baron's.

The role of the baron was to perform local governing of the barony, and to support the king with soldiers, as needed.

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13y ago

Barons were at the lowest rank of the peerage, which was, in turn, the highest rank of nobility. Barons were required to supply the king with military assistance whenever it was needed. They were also required to oversee the local government of their baronies. As peers, they were expected to give advice to the king, which was not expected from the lower nobility.

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14y ago

barons protecte/garde the castle and fight and I don't know bye bye see ya next time!

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14y ago

I Dont Know, Lookin To Find That Out Myself =(

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11y ago

they were granted land by think king and used their authority to set taxes

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12y ago

Eat eggs

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Q: What job did barons do in medieval times?
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