code of hammurabi. (i think) it was a question in my civics exam, and this is what i out.
Code of Hammurabi is not correct. The code of Hammurabi was the first written set of laws ever, not the laws that simplified roman law. That would be Justinian Law.
Assemblies do not have written codes of laws. Laws are matters for magistrates and courts, not assemblies. Codes of law are things such as civil law, criminal law, and constitutional law. What assemblies have are procedures regarding debating, voting and other business they might carry out. Also note that Rome had three assemblies: the assembly of the soldiers, the assembly of the tribes, and the plebeian councils.
Laws were one of the factors that gave the empire unity. Since all provinces and territories were ruled by Roman law, the laws were the glue that held the empire together.
what were the two longstanding roman contributions to political theory
In order to help the poor and to calm any unrest, the Roman government provided the poor with grain and oil which supplemented their diets. They also held entertainments for them. These acts were what caused the expression "bread and circuses" in regard to the poor people of Rome.
During the republic the government was headed by the consuls. They also commanded the army, but other officials, called praetors, could also raise and command an army. Governors of provinces also had this right.
the consulsAnother View: Either The Caesers decreed a law or the Roman Senate passed them.
The first set of written Roman laws was called the Twelve Tables. It was published in approximately 450 BC BCE.
Assemblies do not have written codes of laws. Laws are matters for magistrates and courts, not assemblies. Codes of law are things such as civil law, criminal law, and constitutional law. What assemblies have are procedures regarding debating, voting and other business they might carry out. Also note that Rome had three assemblies: the assembly of the soldiers, the assembly of the tribes, and the plebeian councils.
"Laws" are just simplified descriptions of theories.
The Number 9 in Roman is VIIII which was simplified to IX
As Rome began to control other cities early in its history and incorporate foreigners, such as other Latins and Etruscans, into their regional hegemony, they developed a set of laws to apply to these newly subjugated people. Since they were not Roman citizens, Roman laws could not exactly apply to them. In their singular penchant for improvisation, the Romans developed a separate set of laws in the early fifth century to deal with crimes and civil complaints involving foreigners or the relation of foreigners to Romans. They called these new and separate laws, the Law of Nations.
It is a simplified version of XXXVI (36)
Roman Emperors issued edicts that were commands equivalent to laws.
4000 = (IV) which is a simplified version of MMMM
Yes and it can be simplified to ML which is the equivalent of 1,050 Answer 2: LMC is not a valid Roman numeral
Only if they are fractions in their simplified form.
I havent counted and i am sure that u wouldn't but on wiki there is a list of all roman laws...