The strongest civilizing force in Europe during the early Middle Ages was the Church.
During the early middle ages, 500 - 1000AD, Europe was a frontier land as it was sparsely populated and undeveloped. ;P
The Roman catholic church during the middle ages in Europe can best be described as a church that was a stable influence. This was during a time where central governments were weaker.
The four main groups in the 1500s wereGentlemenCitizensYeomenLabourers
Who invaded Europe during the middle ages
The Germanic people are a historical group of Indo-European-speaking peoples, originating in Northern Europe
The Roy Johnson Company invaded and were wiped out :)
the answer is the east kinfm
Upper middle and low class
Muslims invaded Spain from the south in 710 to 712 and extended their power over the whole Iberian Peninsula. They were divided by culture and language into two groups, Berbers and Arabs, who ended up fighting against each other. Charlemagne invaded from the North in 800 and took Barcelona.
Europe during the Middle Ages.
The strongest civilizing force in Europe during the early Middle Ages was the Church.
Christians and Muslims !
Christian and Muslim
Christian and Muslim