An apprentice was someone (Usually quite young, 10-16) who worked with a man of an established trade (blacksmithing, carpentry, etc.) and lived and worked with them for a period of time before they would be released to start on their own or be hired by and payed by the craftsman.
Baking apprenticeships were usually limited to males, between 4 and 7 years. Durning this time, the boy was the only responsibility of the master. The apprentice lived and worked full time at the bakery. In exchange, the master provided clothes and a basic standard of living and health.
An apprentice was a person who was learning a trade. They usually started at about age seven or eight, and continued until they were about twenty or twenty one. They would start by doing simple chores, like sweeping and cleaning up, and gradually progress in the trade they were learning until they finished this part of their education and became journeymen.
As journeymen, they earned more, were much more independent, and could work on a "masterpiece," which would be judged to determine master status. As masters, they could be full guild members.
There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.
Before the middle ages was Anquity (Greeks and Romans) and after the middle ages was the Renissance
well your wording is confusing😕
The 'middle ages' is also known as the 'medieval period'.
how many families ruled in the middle ages
I think what you are asking about is called a masterpiece. It was not actually submitted by an apprentice, but by a journeyman, who had previously been an apprentice.
yes they were considered high up in rank in a kings army. they took on an "apprentice" and trained them to be knights when they grew up.
The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.
I think it is 18
There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.
The third period of the Middle Ages was the Late Middle Ages. The first is called the Early Middle Ages or the Dark Age. The second period was the High Middle Ages.
Early Middle Ages 400 - 700, High Middle Ages 700 - 1300, Late Middle Ages 1300 -1500.
Middle ages
It was not worn in the Middle Ages.
Before the middle ages was Anquity (Greeks and Romans) and after the middle ages was the Renissance