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Its leaders saw themselves as roman emperors, and theirand their government was in many ways a direct continuation of the eastern portion of the late Roman Empire

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Q: What was seen as a direct descendant of the roman empire?
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Was the rise of slavery inevitable as the roman empire expanded?

Medieval slavery was essentially a continuation of the Roman slave tradition, and was slowly on the decline. Enslaving non-Christians was seen as somewhat unseemly, and sources of pagan slaves were becoming limited on the continent.

Who killed the first roman empire?

Nothing killed the Romans. Last I heard Rome was still the capitol of Italy populated by Romans. Although the religion, government and economy have changed in Rome's 2765 year history and the city has seen numerous wars, its still there and thriving.

What year did the Western Roman Empire fall?

Rome collapsed in 476 A.D. The conventional date for the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire is 476, the year when Romulus Augustus, the last emperor of the western part of this empire, was deposed. The eastern part of the Roman Empire fell in 1453 , when Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.

Were there any Roman families with genealogy surviving the migration period of early Middle Ages?

I have not found any yet, but this is a really interesting question, and I will keep looking. This is what I have found so far.The Roman Empire was permanently divided into the West Roman Empire and the East Roman Empire in 395. The government of the East Roman Empire was Greek, but it is hard to imagine that there could have been no families there that came from Rome. The East Roman Empire lasted until 1453. Our historians refer to it as the Byzantine Empire, but the people in it called it the Empire of the Roman People.One of the most conservative bodies in the Roman Empire was the Senate, and seats in the Senate tended to go to people whose ancestors had been in the Senate. Though it had been pretty much striped of all power by the emperors, the Germanic kings saw that it would enhance their own authority if they kept it alive, so they actually revived some of its lost power. The East Roman Empire had its own Senate, but when it retook Italy in the sixth century, they seem to have allowed the West Roman Senate to continue its work. The last recorded act of the West Roman Senate was done in 603 AD, and there is no record of when it ceased to function. It is entirely possible that some of the families of the Roman Senate were among the old families of Rome.I looked at lists of Popes, but did not find anything. I also looked at lists of famous Italians of the Middle Ages, or at least those who had Latin looking names, and have not yet found anything.MoreThe politicians of the Roman gens Anicia were still active in government as consuls in the sixth century. Anicius Faustus Albinus Basilius, who is believed to have been of this family, was the last Roman to have the title Roman consul who was not also emperor. This was in 541.MoreJulius Celsus was active as a scholar in Constantinople in the seventh century. He was of the gens Julia, which also produced Julius Caesar.MoreThis what I am finding. There were very few records kept in the period of about 600 to 800 AD. This makes searching for patrician families difficult unless there was some connection to government. Also, when the Roman Gentes are examined, it can be seen that they disappeared from history as time passed, even in the best times. I would guess that half of those recorded under the Republic disappeared by the time of the Empire. Very few are represented by historic individuals active at the time of the fall of the Western Empire.The Germanic people under Odoacer and the Ostrogoths both took some pride in maintaining the appearance of legitimacy for their governments, and so they maintained the senate, and they maintained the noble families. But the Lombards did not do this. And when the Byzantines invaded Italy, they replaced the local people, who did not usually support them, with more trustworthy people of Greek origin. Noble Roman families of other parts of the West did not fair even this well. So, while I would bet there were Roman families that kept up a genealogy going back to ancient times, even after the period of the migrations, they are clearly not easy to find, and it may be that there were none, or that those that existed had genealogies based on fictions.Of course, Greek families, living in the East Roman Empire, continued.

Why did the roman republic start to become weak?

There are adherents to single factors, but more people think a combination of such factors as Christianity, decadence, lead, monetary trouble, and military problems caused the Fall of Rome. Imperial incompetence and chance could be added to the list. Even the rise of Islam is proposed as the reason for Rome's fall, by some who think the Fall of Rome happened at Constantinople in A.D. 1453.

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Which of thne following is the most correctly seen as a direct decendent of the roman empire?

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Were the ideas of Christianity was threat to the Roman Empire?

The ideas of Christianity were seen by many as a threat to the Roman Empire. Some believe that is why Rome eventually embraced Christianity, as to influence it.

Why did the Roman emperors come into conflict with the Church?

Christians were not following the official state cult (The Gods Jupiter, Mars, Venus and such) and was seen as endangering the safety of the Empire. The emperors feared the wrath of the gods as more people abandoned them. It was seen as a direct challenge to the power of the emperor and the state

What civilization invented the democratic government with elections by people?

first real democracy was seen in the roman empire with its senete

What contributions did the Roman Empire make art?

statues and murals were probably the most influential arts from the Roman Empire. A number of statues in Washington, D.C., reflect a strong influence of Roman art. You probably have seen murals similar to Roman frescoes.(frescoes often showed three-dimensional landscapes)

Is the proper spelling Romans' or Roman's when you talking about them owning something?

The noun "Roman" is tricky. It can be a singular noun, such as, "the Roman lives here " or an adjective such as "the Roman empire". I have seen the possessive used both ways but Roman's is most common. You could always sidestep the issue by using the phrase "of the Romans" such as, "the territory of the Romans" instead of the Romans' territory.The noun "Roman" is tricky. It can be a singular noun, such as, "the Roman lives here " or an adjective such as "the Roman empire". I have seen the possessive used both ways but Roman's is most common. You could always sidestep the issue by using the phrase "of the Romans" such as, "the territory of the Romans" instead of the Romans' territory.The noun "Roman" is tricky. It can be a singular noun, such as, "the Roman lives here " or an adjective such as "the Roman empire". I have seen the possessive used both ways but Roman's is most common. You could always sidestep the issue by using the phrase "of the Romans" such as, "the territory of the Romans" instead of the Romans' territory.The noun "Roman" is tricky. It can be a singular noun, such as, "the Roman lives here " or an adjective such as "the Roman empire". I have seen the possessive used both ways but Roman's is most common. You could always sidestep the issue by using the phrase "of the Romans" such as, "the territory of the Romans" instead of the Romans' territory.The noun "Roman" is tricky. It can be a singular noun, such as, "the Roman lives here " or an adjective such as "the Roman empire". I have seen the possessive used both ways but Roman's is most common. You could always sidestep the issue by using the phrase "of the Romans" such as, "the territory of the Romans" instead of the Romans' territory.The noun "Roman" is tricky. It can be a singular noun, such as, "the Roman lives here " or an adjective such as "the Roman empire". I have seen the possessive used both ways but Roman's is most common. You could always sidestep the issue by using the phrase "of the Romans" such as, "the territory of the Romans" instead of the Romans' territory.The noun "Roman" is tricky. It can be a singular noun, such as, "the Roman lives here " or an adjective such as "the Roman empire". I have seen the possessive used both ways but Roman's is most common. You could always sidestep the issue by using the phrase "of the Romans" such as, "the territory of the Romans" instead of the Romans' territory.The noun "Roman" is tricky. It can be a singular noun, such as, "the Roman lives here " or an adjective such as "the Roman empire". I have seen the possessive used both ways but Roman's is most common. You could always sidestep the issue by using the phrase "of the Romans" such as, "the territory of the Romans" instead of the Romans' territory.The noun "Roman" is tricky. It can be a singular noun, such as, "the Roman lives here " or an adjective such as "the Roman empire". I have seen the possessive used both ways but Roman's is most common. You could always sidestep the issue by using the phrase "of the Romans" such as, "the territory of the Romans" instead of the Romans' territory.

What enabled the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the Western Empire fell?

The Byzantine Greeks who ran the Eastern Empire regained control after the Huns were seen off, and re-established protection, security and prosperity.

A Collection of kings under one powerful ruler?

A collection of kingdoms under one powerful ruler is known as an empire. Examples of empires can be seen throughout history, the Roman Empire, the Ottoman empire, the Mongol Empire, and the British Empire, just to name a few.

What type of people would you have seen on Rome's streets?

You would have seen rich people and poor people and people from all the many ethnicities found around the Roman Empire.

Who was the main roman god?

Jupiter was the main God of the Roman pantheon. He was seen to be the Protector of Rome and King of the Gods. Towards the end of the Western Roman Empire, many Romans worshipped Sol Invictus, the Sun.

Who were the Visogaths and why are they important?

The Visigoths were a Germanic tribe that played a significant role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire. They invaded and established their own kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula, which eventually became one of the successor states to the Roman Empire in the region. Their sacking of Rome in 410 AD is often seen as a symbolic event that marked the beginning of the end for the Western Roman Empire.

What was the most important thing that made the roman empire great?

Romes geography, government, virtue, trade, building, and military all worked torward making it possibly the greatest empire ever.