The Middle Ages are divided into sections by historians as follows:
The dates vary to some extent with according to the historian, with the beginning dates being 400, 410, 476 or 500, and the ending dates being 1400, 1453, 1492, or 1500.
The part called the Dark Ages was called so because there are few writings extant from the time.
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The Middle Ages is also known as the Medieval Times.It started with the fall of Western Roman Empire in 476 and ended with the fall of Constantinople,the capital of Easthern Roman Empire in 1453.
After the fall of Western Roman Empire,many kingdoms were set in the Western Europe.It's ruled by king with feudalism system.Under it,king gave some of his land to the nobles and church so that they could help him to run the kingdom.Nobles'd give some of his land to the lards as the way as kings.Nobles and the other lords had to obey,serve and fight or the king.
-hereditary system
The kings and nobles belonged to the previleged class.After they've died,their power and land would pass to their sons.This is called the hereditary system.
During peacetime,nobles would hold feast for entertainments like gambling and hunting.
Kinghts were in the lowest rank of nobles.Their main duty was to fight for their lords and king.They had to obey to the rules of chivelry included being loyal to kight and their lords,protecting the church and the needy,fightly bravely and so on.They started military training since very young and this held for 14 years.
Knights also had to fought mock battles.There were two type of mock battles:Joust battle(battle fought between two knights)and tournament(battle fought against two groups of knights).This could help knights keeping in a good fighting condition.
1st Answer:
410 AD with the fall of the Roman empire to the 1400's with the start of exploring.
2nd Answer:
Most historians use 476 as a date for the start of the Middle Ages, and 1453 as the end. Many dates have been suggested for both beginning and end, however.
The Fall of the West Roman Empire is most often used for the beginning of the Middle Ages, but the year 410 (when Rome was sacked) seems a bit unusual for this event, especially since Emperor Honorius continued to rule for another thirteen years until he died of natural causes and the government continued quite a while after that. There were emperors in the West until 476 or 480, depending on who you count as emperor, the Senate of the West Roman Empire continued to function until 603, and the East Roman Empire was not destroyed until 1453.
The dates for the end are just as difficult to nail down. I have seen historians use dates as early as 1401 and as late as 1517, when Martin Luther made public the 97 Theses. But 1453 was the date of the end of the Hundred Years' War and the Fall of Constantinople (East Roman Empire). British historians tend to use 1485, when the Wars of the Roses ended.
the age of faith
Before the middle ages was Anquity (Greeks and Romans) and after the middle ages was the Renissance
The simple answer is that the medieval period is also called the Middle Ages. There is some complexity, however. The period from the 5th through 10th centuries was called the Dark Ages, but the term Early Middle Ages is more common now. What used to be called the Middle Ages, a time from the 11th to 15th centuries, is now often counted as the High Middle Ages (1000 to 1300) and Late Middle Ages (1300 to some time in the 15th century).
the middle ages didnt have a purpose. they were a time period. im not really sure when, but it was the time of knights and lords and ladies and stuff llike that.
The Middle Ages. "Dark Ages" was invented by people living in the later Renaissance period, because they thought that living in a time without the benefit of the knowledge and full appreciation of the art and philosophiy of ancient Rome an Greece meant that you were 'living in the dark'. In reality, there was nothing 'dark' about the middle ages. It was a period full of development and discovery. "Middle" Ages simply indicates that this was the period between Antiquity and Renaissance.
The Middle Ages
Before the middle ages was Anquity (Greeks and Romans) and after the middle ages was the Renissance
The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.
The middle ages is called the middle ages because its in the middle of two different time periods, or periods of time, in which things were a certain way for a that period of time.
The middle ages wasn't on a continent!! The middle ages was a time period, not an event. : P
The Mediaeval period is reckoned from the fifth to the fifteenth century. Arthur's time was in the sixth century, at the very beginning of the Middle Ages.
The Middle Ages covers the period from the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th Century AD, to the Renaissance period in the 16th Century.
The middle ages.
The third period of the Middle Ages was the Late Middle Ages. The first is called the Early Middle Ages or the Dark Age. The second period was the High Middle Ages.
Middle Ages.
The Renaissance
the high middle ages