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In time of peace, castle guard duty in England was a feudal obligation placed upon all freemen (serjantz) and knights that was universally hated. It meant 40 days of boredom, even though the men received a payment for their service. After 40 days others would take their places and they could return home.

Knights would bring along their own weapons, including a lance or spear and their sword. Serjantz would be equipped with a spear, a bow or a crossbow; a knight's own retinue of troops often included bowmen or crossbowmen.

Most of the "arrow slits" seen in medieval castles (such as those at Corfe Castle in Dorset) can not be used by an archer armed with a longbow, since there is insufficient vertical height inside the tower or wall apperture - they were really intended for use by crossbowmen.

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trebuchet, mangonel,and finally the cannon brought the end to castle building

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