Romans did their worshiping at home. There was usually an altar dedicated to the household or patron god of the family in every home. Although they had elaborate public temples, they were used for special services in honor of the temple's patron god and for certain civic matters.
The ancient Romans did not exactly worship their ancestors as much as honoring them. They had special festivals in which honor was paid to their ancestors. If the ancestor was famous, they could have a wax mask made of him and that mask was displayed in the atrium of the house and carried in funeral processions of current members of the family.
Dance was not one of the pastimes of the ancient Romans. The art of dancing was reserved for stage people and mimes and various other performers.
Gods and goddesses had always been a part of Roman religion of ancient times, as they spead out and other people became a part of Rome, those gods and goddesses became as Roman as the people.
No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.
The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.
No the Romans did not force the Jews to worship their gods.
yes they worship the idols
The Romans worshiped hundreds of gods
The Romans told the Christians to worship their Ceasar, but the Chrisitans said that they should only worship God and that made the Romans really angry.
Romans worship their gods through feasting. For example, Saturnalia.....
They did not. She was a Greek goddess.
No. Because acording to Roman history they did not worship in their homes.
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By offering at her temples.
They worshiped her because it provided protection and wisdom.
They complement Cupid then ask him for what they want.