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Q: Who put down the Decembrist Revolt?
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What type of things did the Romans do to the zealots?

They fought them and this ended in the distruction of the temple in Jerusalem /

Who are the group that led a revolt against the Romans?

nananananan msmEWJUH There were actually three major slave revolts against Rome, but the only leader's name that has come down to us is Spartacus. He was the leader of the last slave revolt.

What did the gladiator Spartacus do in 73 BC?

Led a slave revolt

Who was the mayor at the time of the peasants' revolt?

Sir William Walworth.

How did Emporer Nero of rome lose his power?

Roman power in the western part of the Roman Empire was broken by the invasions by the Germanic peoples. They carved it up and established their own kingdoms in its former lands: the Vandals (together with the Alans) in northwest Africa, the Sueves in parts of Spain and the Burgundiansin eastern France. The Alemanni took over north-eastern France, Switzerland and Austria. The Visigoths, who had been allowed to settle in the eastern part of the empire by the Romans, moved to south-western France and established their own kingdom there, which then expanded into, Spain and Portugal. The Franks who had been allowed to settle in Holland south of the river Rhine and Belgium expanded into northern France and later took over the Domain of Soissons, a rump Roman state in central France. The Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisiansmigrated to Britain in waves and took it over.The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years. Historians have coined the term Byzantine Empire to indicate the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part. The Romans did not use this term, they called it Roman Empire or Romania (this referred to this empire and not the country which was later called Romania).

Related questions

What were the main causes of the decembrist revolt?

constitutional monarchy

What was the effect of the decembrist revolt of 1825?

Alexander's death brought on a revolt in December 1825.

Participants in the Decembrist Revolt wanted to establish?

a constitutional monarchy

The 1825 Decembrist Revolt led to the crushing of liberalism in?

a group of former army officers

What nation was struck by a revolt by liberal army officers in 1825?

Russia in Decembrist revolution

What did the participants in the Decembrist Revolt wanted to establish?

a constitutional monarchy

The 1825 anti-czarist Decembrist Revolt in Russia was led by?

A group of former army officers

How did Nicholas I respond to the Decembrist Revolt?

he was deeply impressed and it frightened him. Nicholas I exiled most of the officers who participated in the revolt, but he had the leaders hanged. He was not going allow any of his autocratic powers be reduced by reforms.

What does it mean when some one says put down the revolt?

When someone says "put down the revolt," they are instructing others to quell or suppress a rebellion or uprising. This typically involves using force or authority to restore order and control in a situation where there is widespread resistance or defiance.

Which English lesder brutally put down a revolt in Ireland?

Oliver Cromwell.

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A worker's strike put down in 1931 by the government.

Spanish general who was sent to Cuba to put down the revolt for independence?

Valeriano Weyler