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the grand jury, at least thats what my world civ teacher said

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Q: Who were the group of men in medieval times who submitted names of people suspected of heresy?
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What heresy was in the church in the medieval period?

The Catholic Church faced several heresies during the medieval period, including Hussitism. This heresy regarded the scriptures as being more important than church leadership, and also regarded ordinary people as being able to interpret scripture without Church help.

How do you put heresy in a sentence?

There were false prophets or people teaching heresy in the churches.

How you use heresy in a sentence?

The theologian was accused of spreading heresy by promoting beliefs that were contrary to the teachings of the church.

How was the use of torture against suspected heretics during the Medieval Inquisitions theologically defended?

The defenders of torture during the Medieval Inquisitions used passages from the Bible to justify their techniques. One of the most famous people to be killed during this time was Joan of Arc.

Which individual who lived among the people preached the word of the church to counter prevent heresy?

a Friar lived among the people preached the word of the church to counter prevent heresy.

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Why were people tortured during Spanish Inquisition?

To get them to confess to heresy

Why were people tortured during the Spanish Inquisition?

To get them to confess to heresy

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The people of medieval Ghana were Islam.

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medieval people made their own clothing

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