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Mark Antony committed suicide by running himself through with his sword. This was a common practice back in his time because it prevented capture and humiliation. He had been defeated by Octavius so killing himself on the battle field was the honorable way out.

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He commited suicide because he belived Cleopatra was dead

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Q: Why did mark Antony commit suicide?
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The roman who married the queen of egypt and later committed suicide?

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I cannot find the phrase "roman method" used anywhere in Shakespeare. In Antony and Cleopatra, Cleopatra speaks to her servants on the death of Mark Antony saying "Let's do it after the high Roman fashion," where she intends that they all commit suicide. I take it to mean that their attitude was that of the high Romans, who would commit suicide rather than be dishonoured - not a reference to a method of suicide. If it is a reference to a method, then it might be a reference to how Mark Antony died, which used to be depicted by the actor falling on his sword, having stuck it, blade upwards, in the ground.

How did Cleopatra and Antony commit suicide?

They had poison snakes in their food I think

Who were Antony and Cleopatra?

Mark Anthony (Marcus Antonius) was a Roman general,grandnephew, and heir to Julius Caesar. After Caesar's assassination Antony,Octavian and Lepidus ruled the Roman Empire. They fell out and fought a civil war. Anthony lost and committed suicide. Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, was his lover at the time and also had to commit suicide with the help of a poisonous snake.

Why did mark Antony comette suicide?

Marc Antony committed suicide because it was the honorable thing for him to do given the circumstances. He had lost the war and "falling on his sword" was the accepted and honorable way for a military man to die.

Who killed mark Antony and conquered Egypt?

Marc Antony killed himself. He committed suicide as it was an honorable way for a Roman to die. Octavian was the one who conquered Egypt and made it part of the Roman empire.

How did Mark Antony die?

He committed suicide while at the same time he came to know that Cleopatra was dead.