because its history
Early Roman culture was influenced by the Greeks, Etruscans and Sabines. The influence of the Etruscans and Sabines faded as their civilisations decayed and they became latinised. Greek influence, instead, became stronger.
Ancient history, the Roman Empire Ancient history, the Roman Empire
Renaissance means "Rebirth". It was an important era that allowed Western Civilization to finally overcome the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
The three periods of Roman history were the monarchy, the republic and the principate. They were divided this way by the types of government in those periods.
Carthage was important to Roman history because the successful wars against Carthage made Rome a superpower.
she was the queen
because its history
The abducted Sabine womEn asked the Romans and the Sabines to stop fighting because they did not want to see their (Sabine) fathers and the (Roman) husbands to be killed.
It shows the importance of History in the past.
It was the reputed year of founding of the Roman Republic.
Numa Pompilius succeded Romulus. He was a Sabine from the Sabine city of Cures. He created the priestoods and the institutions of Roman state religion.
the etruscans are important because rome early in its history had war with them and when they defeated them they gained a lot of power
The ides of March are only important to Roman history because that was the date that Caesar was assassinated. Ides was a date and according to the Roman calendar every month had one, either on the 13th or 15th day of the month.
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Ercole Nardi has written: 'Ruderi delle ville romano sabine nei dintorni di Poggio Mirteto' -- subject(s): Excavations (Archaeology), Roman Antiquities, History