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When Rome fell to to barbarians it left a power void and that meant the strongest ruled. As the barbarian tribes ravaged Europe and sent the population into hiding, slavery or death only the strong could protect themselves. These men eventually came to power, controlled the areas and told the population what they wanted. They created vast armies, built strong castles with the knights enforcing the "law" of the land.

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feudalism was important in the middle ages because it showed weather you were a big part of medieval times.It also showed who was on top and who was at the bottom.

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Feudalism was a way to organize society when there was no central government.

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What is the relationship between feudalism and the crusades?

Feudalism was a system of government during the Middle Ages. And the Crusades is a medieval military expedition.

What was the result of absence of effective central authority during the middle ages?


Why did the feudal system develop during the middle ages?

The problem in answering this question stems from the exact meaning of feudalism, an issue on which many scholars find disagreement. Feudalism was characterised by a social hierarchy - king, lords, knights and serfs being important examples. Feudalism protected the position of the king, by ensuring the loyalty and service of the lords and knights, in return for position and favours. But feudalism, as we understand it, could probably not have existed without the serfs. When the supply of slaves, from central and eastern Europe, dried up in the tenth century, serfdom became the answer. Landholders also found that serfs were not only cheaper, but easier to manage than slaves had been.

The growth of feudalism in Europe during the middle ages was primarily caused by the?

Indirectly, the fall of Rome, and more directly, the threat of Viking attack. Viking raids during the Medieval period were common -- it WAS the Viking Age -- and what people do when they're under attack is run to the nearest fortified building. This building was either a church or the hall of a lord. Hence, in return for shelter and protection in case of emergencies, the lords asked for the loyalty and services of the peasants. Thus, feudalism.

What was the cause and effect relationship between the breakdown of the strong central government of the roman empire and the development of the feudalism?

Feudalism emerged as a result of the decentralization of the European empire. This was a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange of service or labour.

Related questions

Did Feudalism continue during the years of the Meiji Restoration.?

No, feudalism did not continue during the Meiji Restoration.

Did Feudalism continued during the years of the Meiji Restoration.?

No, feudalism did not continue during the Meiji Restoration.

Did Feudalism continue during the years of the Meiji Restoration?

No, feudalism did not continue during the Meiji Restoration.

What is European feudalism?

European feudalism emerged when the Roman empire fell during the 5th century. During the 10th century, it was in France and Germany that the first elements of feudalism appeared.

When did feudalism start in China?

Feudalism started in China during the Shang dynasty. Feudalism lasted until the end of the Qin/Chin dynasty.

How did people's lives change during feudalism?


People whose power increased as feudalism ended?

The persons power that increased during the feudalism that was ending was the kings during that time in the 1500's.

Which leaders in Germany were encouraging feudalism?

There were no leaders in Germany that encouraged feudalism as Germany was not created during the age of feudalism. Germany was created as a country in the 1800's.

Who were the national leaders during the Feudalism in Germany?


Was feudalism in use during the Middle Ages?

Yes it was.

Who was the king in England during the era of feudalism?


What is the relationship between feudalism and the crusades?

Feudalism was a system of government during the Middle Ages. And the Crusades is a medieval military expedition.