The Vietnam era...the 1960's...was a transitional phase from one standard of values within the US to another standard of values. One value-Believing in the US Government, dressing properly, hair cuts, clean shaven, no profanity, respect for the law, serving one's country, patriotism, beer commercials, cigarette commercials, car racing, high level productivity in housing construction (clear cutting of forests/lumber mills and lumber jacks/today called tree "harvesting")...VERSES; The other value-Not trusting the US Government, dressing over casually (barefoot/sandals/jean cut-offs, etc.), long un-kept hair, beards, lots of profanity, riots/no respect for the law (nick names of policeman during the '60's: "Pigs", the "Man", the "Heat", etc.), dodging the draft, carrying and promoting the Viet Cong Flag (red and blue with a yellow star in the middle), beer/cigarette commercials replaced by power of suggestion commercials, e.g. Diabetes, Cancer, Varicose Veins, Arthritis, Osteociasis Diseases, Eye Diseases, Foot Diseases, Heart Diseases, Hair Diseases, Teeth Diseases, Gum Diseases, Finger Nail Diseases, etc.; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LAWS banning certain car engines, fuels, trees, flowers, mountains, dirt roads, rivers, bays, lakes, beaches, forests, deserts from being utilized by the public, with the exceptions of certain permits and restrictions. The only constant in life, is change.
Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!
Vietnam war
See website: Moratoriums to end the war in Vietnam.
Vietnam had tigers, not lions.
US Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam War.
Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!
Nuclear weapons were not used during the Vietnam war
god was
North Vietnam was a communist nation during the Viet War. They defeated (conquered) the Republic of South Vietnam during the Vietnam War (April 1975).
Vietnam war
McCain was a POW during the Vietnam war.
For North Vietnam to win the war; which they did.
See website: Moratoriums to end the war in Vietnam.
no hahah he was running for president during the vietnam war
Japan fought Vietnam during that war